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R2M - Conférences Internationales avec Comité de Lecture et Actes

par Jacques Raharijaona - publié le

Communications dans des conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes 10

  1. F. Guinand, F. Guérin, E. Petitiprez – “UAV-UGV Multi-Robot System for Warehouse Inventory” - 13th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence – 29 sept/1 oct 2021 – Rhodes (Greece).
  2. Q. T. Dam, R. E. H. Thabet, S. Ahmed Ali, F. Guérin, A.HUGO - "Continuous–Discrete Time High Gain Observer Design for State and Unknown Inputs Estimations Of Quadrotor UAV" - European Control Conference (ECC), 2021, pp. 1181-1186, doi : 10.23919/ECC54610.2021.9655232.
  3. E. Petitiprez, F. Guérin, F. Guinand – "Decentralized Coordination of UAVs Swarm for describing planar shapes" - 16th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 2022 (DARS 2022) - Montbéliard, France - November 28-30, 2022.
  4. Q. T. Dam, R. E. H. Thabet, S. Ahmed Ali, F. Guérin - "Filtered High-Gain Observer Design For a Class of Nonlinear Systems subject to Delayed Measurements : Application to a Quadrotor UAV" - American Control Conference (ACC) 2022, pp. 4050-4055, doi : 10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867537.
  5. Q. T. Dam, R. E. H. Thabet, S. AHMED ALI, F. Guérin - "Time-Delay estimation for a drift observable nonlinear system with unknown output delay" - American Control Conference (ACC) – 2023
  6. Q. T. Dam, R. E. H. Thabet, S. Ahmed Ali, F. Guérin - "A High-Gain Observer Design for Nonlinear System with Delayed Measurements : Application to A Quadrotor UAV" - 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023.
  7. H. Chakraa, E. Leclercq, F. Guérin, D. Lefebvre - "A Multi-Robot Mission Planner by Means of Beam Search Approach and 2-Opt Local Search" - 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) – Rome (Italy) - 03-06 July, 2023
  8. W. Sebbata, M. A. Kenk and J. -F. Brethé, “An adaptive robotic grasping with a 2-finger gripper based on deep learning network,” IEEE ETFA International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, pp. 620-627, Vienna, Austria, 2020, doi : 10.1109/ETFA46521.2020.9212163.
  9. J. –F. Brethé, W. Sebbata, A. Sayah, “Contribution to autonomous feeding of machining centres using mobile manipulators : uncertainty estimation and strategies to achieve high positioning performances,” ICMR 2021 special session : industrial workshop of EU COROT Project, 7 sept 2021.
  10. B. Berthelot, F. Germain, N. Kerthe, F. Guérin, F. Guinand, E. Petitprez, A. Level ; S. A. Ali, S. Le Meur, J. Quéron et al., “Autonomous Aerial Swarm Robotics for the Management of the Environmental and Health Impact in a Post-Accident Situation », in Proceedings of the 21th International Metrology Congress (CIM 2023), Lyon, France, 7–10 March 2023.